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Upcoming Sessions with CMHL

Gambling Minds Sessions with CMHL

Gambling minds have two upcoming education sessions that are to be hosted by The Centre for Mental Health Learning (CMHL). The sessions are to be held in October prior and during Gambling Harm Awareness Week (17th-23rd October). 

Session 1

A one-hour introductory virtual education session outlining the role of the Gambling Minds service at Alfred Health and our work with people with gambling disorders. We will explore gambling diagnostic criteria, public health harms and strategies we can employ in our roles as mental health clinicians to improve our response. We will also seek to have a consumer representative share their story.

What: Introduction to Gambling Minds Service and Gambling Disorder

Where: Online session booked via the CMHL website

When: October 5th at 2pm (1hr)

How: Register here


Session 2: 

A one hour presentation exploring the role of family, carers and supporters in the recovery of people experiencing harms from gambling. We will explore the importance of including supports, as they often lead to a higher success rate in recovery and will focus on the use of a single session framework.

What: Gambling and Single Session Family Consultation

Where: Online session booked via the CMHL website

When: October 17th at 11am (1hr)

How: Register here